Tuesday, June 21, 2011

hidop ini amat membosankan !

hello warga blog , sume sehad ? arap2 sume sehad lah ye . aku jea yg ta sehad2 . bagoz nye la kan ! hehe . ntah la , ble la bole sehad cm dlu blek . ley sukan blek , ley g skowla tiap2 ari , ley jmpe member2 tiap2 ari . sume bende ley buad lah . hmm :( . everything is not perfect right . saba jea lahh . hidop2 . mlm ny aku bosan gle oh . ta tau na wtpe ? so bowink maa . hmm ble lah bole bhagia cm owg laen ? shit , aku sedih ! no2 you can't cry anymore ieyka . you must be strong . ALLAH S.W.T always beside you . sume yg blaku ad hikmahnye . ieyka you must be strong !!! yeah2 aku kne kuat , tpi aku ttap lemah kn ! aku cepat sangat mengalirkan airmata aku ny , cepat sangat nak mara2 . hidop aku kosong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  sorry guys i'm not in mood tonight . just post anything what i want . 

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